It is never too late to communicate

It is never too late to communicate. Always be the first to forgive and say "I'm sorry." Don't wait for fear of what the response might be. Remember Parkinson's latest law: "The vacuum created by a failure to communicate will quickly be filled with rumor, misrepresentation, doubt and poison."

In the communication process, knowledge is not always wisdom; sensitivity is not always accuracy and sympathy is not always understanding. Empathy is never assuming anything until you have, "walked a mile in the other person's moccasins." Take full responsibility for success in the communication process. As a listener, take full responsibility for hearing the meaning behind what the others are trying to say. As a talker, take full responsibility for being certain that they understand what you are saying. Never meet anyone halfway in your relationships. Always give 100 percent.

This week make the call or have the conversation you have been putting off or dreading.

-- Denis Waitley