The Key to Riches

By: Brian Tracy
Anyone, Starting From Wherever They Are, Can Become Wealthy In America
Here is some great news. Wherever you are in your financial life, you can become wealthy over the course of your working lifetime. If you start early enough, work hard enough and do what other successful people do, you may even become a millionaire.
Looking Back
In 1900, there were less than 5000 millionaires in the United States. Today, there are more than five million millionaires and the number is growing rapidly. There are more than two hundred billionaires as well.
Everyone Starts From Nothing
Most of these wealthy people are self-made. That is, they started with nothing and they earned every penny by applying their talents and abilities to the opportunities that came along. The number of millionaires is growing at the rate of 15% or more per year. Someone, somewhere becomes a millionaire every 3-4 minutes. And what these other self-made millionaires have done, you can do as well. 

You Can Do It, Too
The wealthy are not very different from you and me. They have simply used more of their God-given talents and done things in a different way from the majority. The wonderful thing is this. And I cannot repeat it often enough. If you do what other successful, wealthy people do, you will eventually get the same results. You can start right where you are, even deeply in debt, and achieve financial independence if you do the right things over and over again until you get the results you desire.
Save $100 Per Month
If you save $100 per month from the age of 21 to the age of 65 and it grows at a compound rate of 10% per year, you will have more than one million dollars when you retire.

If you earn $25,000 per year and save just 10% of your income, or $2500 per year, and invest it carefully so that you earn 10% compounded over the course of your working lifetime, you will be worth $1,794,762 through the miracle of compound interest.

The key to riches is simple. Save and invest 10% of your income throughout your working lifetime and you will become rich. It is as simple as that.
Action Exercises
First, make a decision today that you are going to save 10% of your income for the rest of your working lifetime. Set it as a goal, make a plan and then discipline yourself to save that amount for the rest of your career.

Second, go to the bank today and open a special account for financial independence. Deposit whatever amount you can in that account. From now on, think every day about how you can put more money into that account and then invest it wisely. This will change your financial life.

Listening with Your Heart, Not Your Head

by Joan C. Curtis

What is the biggest communications challenge my clients face? The simple answer is listening. My clients struggle with listening because their heads get in the way. They grapple with ways to communicate their messages and often ask me about how to go about saying what they want to say the best way. As we work through this question, the logical next question surfaces: What is the other person saying? Often, the response I get tells me that my clients are not listening with their hearts. They are listening with their heads.

When our heads get in the way, we cannot hear. Our heads say things like, “The other person isn’t interested in what I have to say,” or “The other person is only concerned with their agenda,” or "The other person doesn't like me." Our heads tune out the real messages and reinterpret what we hear. To listen with your heart requires a different kind of listening.

Here are the steps you need to take to listen with your heart:

•Really focus on the other person. What emotions do you hear? How does the voice sound? Lively, sad, angry?

•Don’t take what the other person says personally. Get out of the way of the message. Instead ask the person what he or she really means. Ask open, probing questions to better understand what might be going on.

•Get next to the other person. Instead of trying to solve the problem (That’s above the person), listen for where the person is. If your friend is hurting, feel the hurt with him. Don’t try and fix the hurt. If your teenage daughter is angry at you, feel her anger rather than defend yourself.

•Use your intuition to hear the messages behind the words. If you feel something inside, you are probably listening with your heart. Take a risk and share what you are feeling inside. “I sense that you are afraid of your boss.”

•Practice using metaphors to explain your intuition or to explain the other person’s feeling. Putting what we feel into a visual image helps us cope with it. “As you talk, I keep getting this image of a deep, dark well. Tell me how that works for you?”

Listening with your heart takes practice. The next time you feel frustrated with the way your communication is going, get out of the way and let your heart take over.

Find out how good a listener you are by taking this free assessment

Author's Bio

Dr. Curtis is CEO of Total Communications Coaching. She's been a leadership consultant for over 20 years and is a communication and business coach. Her clients include executives in a variety of industry. Find out more at