Dr. Joe Vitale of the hit movie "The Secret" is a Law of Attraction expert who teaches people how to attract money to help their families, their city and the world.
His new program is the best thing I've seen yet. It's all explained below.
Take a look.
Great news! There's now a proven new way to attract money fast.
The Secret to Attracting Money
It's an audio course, with CDs, DVD and guidebook, called *The Secret to Attracting Money*.
It is the *only* audio program I've ever produced that goes in-depth on how to...ATTRACT MONEY.
"The Secret to Attracting Money" is a spiritual and practical system for bringing in cash.
In it --
* I reveal new clearing methods for money.
* I explain new marketing methods. (Based on love and passion.)
* I deliver new insights about money and you. (These are eye-opening.)
* I talk about the Law of Attraction but also reveal the Law of Right Action. (Important!)
* I also created a wealth assessment quiz to help you understand your own hidden beliefs about money. It reveals your "Money Attractor IQ."
* I even explain a paint-by-the-numbers approach to making money online that anyone (yes that means you too) can use.
* I also teach you a way to "rewrite your past" so you can create a profitable future. (Whew!)
* I also explain the money myths holding you back
--- 9 ways to attract money
--- the best reason in the world to want money
--- how to determine your life's purpose
--- the 7 principles for turning on your money magnet right now
--- my counter-intuitive way for attracting cash
--- my personal time management system
--- AND the list just goes on and on.
This is all very different than my book, "Attract Money Now." It supplements it, while going way beyond the book.
The Secret to Attracting Money is organized into six strategy-packed sessions that will lead you through my foolproof process for attracting money.
Not only will you learn how to have a mindset that attracts money - you will learn step-by-step, exactly how I started and succeeded building my own financial empire. (I have never shared these details so vividly and precisely before.)
The Secret to Attracting Money hits the ground running with a session called...
"The Spirit of Wealth Building: Your Money Attractor Assessment" (Which I've never discussed before.)
This is where you will once and for all, identify, eliminate, and replace your money-blocking beliefs with my 33-point Money Attractor Assessment.
This will empower you to peer into the depths of your mind, see the hurdles that are standing between you and prosperity, and jump over them right then and there.
Next is Session Two (the timing for this information has never ever been better)...
"How to Make Money in Any Economic Climate" (Intriguing title isn't it?)
Did you know that many of the greatest fortunes in history, and plenty of under-the-radar ones too, have been made during economic downturns, recessions and depressions? And it¹s happening right now too.
You know it. Now I'll show you how to do it.
This session will help you expand your own wealth-attracting force with the secrets I'll share with you in this extremely timely session.
This brings us to Session Three (one of my personal favorites)...
"The Nine Secrets to Attracting Money"
Here I present the core principles of the money-attracting process. The secrets I share in this session are among the most powerful ones I know, including...
- Why you need to give money away if you want to attract it later. (In fact, right now, people are being so tight-fisted, it is hurting the entire economy in a number of ways.)
- How to shift your mind so it always expects opportunities. You become, just like me - an opportunity magnet.
If you stopped here, you would have already made back the small investment you made in this program.
The Secret to Attracting Money
On to Session Four...
"Money Myths Revealed"
This session alone will prove to be a real eye-opener for you. (Don't take these myths for granted - they could be causing you all sorts of money issues and you don't even realize it.)
One of the unfortunate realities for most of us (me included), is that we were conditioned from birth and encouraged all our lives to believe all kinds of things about money that are outright lies.
These lies are messing you up and blocking your power, and you need to stop them from taking over your life right now. Not tomorrow - right now.
Here's a small sample of what this session alone includes...
- If you want to do good things in the world, help people, and make a difference --- there is a myth you need to dispel from your mind right away. You'll learn it in this session.
- The dangerous myth about financial crises.
Financial institutions are real, and so are the bad things that sometimes happen to them. But the perceived notions of how people should respond to these events are wrong. If you're stressing over the current economy, you need to hear this now. (This is mind-boggling.)
The Secret to Attracting Money
Now we really turn up the heat and cultivate all the unseen money all around you in Session Five...
"Shortcuts to Attracting Whatever You Want"
The title of this one session alone is intriguing isn't it?
You may be tempted to skip the first four sessions and start here. As tempting as that is - remember, that this program is designed as a step-by-step process and you need to go through everything in the proper order. I always say, you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. The same logic applies here.
These shortcuts work like magic.
Here, you'll learn:
- The most profound shortcut I can give you. Do this (it's something so easy) and you'll actually create a new vibrational signal that will cut through all the blocks and attract exactly what you want in that very moment.
- What you must do if you need money now.
- A mantra that will change everything for you.
Words can't describe it. You just have to experience it.
I know this seems like quite a bit - I pulled out all the stops. And guess what...
There's lots more. Way more!
As you've probably noticed, I subtitled this program, "A Practical Spiritual System." Well, in the sixth and final session, Money Mastery
Seminar: 10 Wealth-Building Innovations (not available anywhere else), we get down to the nuts and bolts - it is where the rubber meets the road and riches are generated.
This is where attraction meets action in an explosive combination that's going to pump money into your life from sources, in amounts, and with a speed that will stun you.
I've spent 30 years creating, launching, marketing and profiting from more businesses, products, and enterprises than I can count, while helping my friends and students do the same.
In this session I download the very best of everything I've learned and done in simple to follow terms and processes. I'm going to give you moneymaking tools, strategies, website recommendations, actual turnkey business ideas and way more.
There's way too much information on in this CD to give you here, so here is just a small sampling to wet your whistle...
- My own personal golden shelf. Knowledge has gotten me where I am today. And the more than a dozen book and audio titles I share with you in this session are, to me, the Holy Grail of knowledge. The ideas they contain are remarkable, priceless, and life-changing. Read.
Listen. Profit. (I've never shared them before.)
- The most important time-management secrets you'll ever hear. My income multiplied ten times over when I finally figured this one out.
- How to put your to-do list on autopilot. Most days I wake up with fewer things to do than I had when I went to sleep. The simple technique I reveal works like a charm, and will virtually double your results with no extra work.
- The thing you should always work on first in the morning. (You would never guess it.)
- How to create an information empire. You know, have, or can do something that can make you rich.
Everyone does. All you have to do is figure out what it is and how to get it out to the world.
I'll help you do just that: start to finish, step by step. (I'll even walk you through an exercise to help you come up with a business idea.)
- Seldom used, little-known tricks for getting word of your business out to huge numbers of people. You don't need a huge advertising budget or major marketing know-how to create a huge splash, massive buzz, and the major cash flow that comes along with it. Here you'll learn how to market like a miser but profit like a king.
- Zero-effort businesses you can start today.
How can it be zero effort? Well, I sold tens of thousands of copies of a book I didn't write, using an ad I didn't create, and raked in all the profits myself. It was incredibly easy. You can do the exact same thing. I'll tell you exactly what and exactly how.
- Websites that will make launching your online business a cinch to set up and run. Don't let the Internet wilderness scare you off. I'll direct you to the handful of sites you need to get things going. No tech-expertise necessary.
If you can hunt and peck on your computer keyboard, you can do this. (I write everything, including this email, with just two fingers.)
- The Million Dollar Secret Formula. Big name, big promise, and BIG payoff. A completely customizable 5-step formula for attracting money on YOUR terms.
- And tons, tons, more. All of which will help you to attract money on an accelerated, turbocharged level.
The Secret to Attracting Money
And this is still just the tip of the iceberg.
As I've said over and over and over again, this program isn't just about attraction. It's about taking action. Decisive inspired action. It's not just about listening. It's about doing. The workbook is an absolutely critical component of the program for that very reason.
Packed with exercises, assessments, and information you won't even hear on the CDs, the workbook will engage all of your senses in the active process of money-attraction and help reinforce what you learn at both the conscious and subconscious levels. Don't even think about leaving it in the package. This system is not the same without it.
And there's even more...
"The Secret to Attracting Money LIVE!" DVD
This incredible DVD puts you in the front row at one of my very favorite events: my Miracles Weekend seminar. In this life transforming presentation, I go further and deeper into many of the key ideas I share in the audio sessions, including an exploration of...
* The 4-step process of awakening, and why it is critically important for you to make this journey now.
* How to experience real miracles every single day of your life.
* The secret to removing your struggles and eliminating your worries.
* How to know the best actions to take moment to moment.
* Why your past doesn't matter, and how to leave it behind once and for all.
If you've ever attended a really great seminar or speech, you know that nothing quite equals the energy and enthusiasm a live event generates.
You'll really feel like you're there. And seeing these profound ideas presented will make them come alive for you on yet another level of awareness, further strengthening your powers of attraction.
The Secret to Attracting Money
And if this is not enough for you...
You'll also get two bonus CDs.
First you'll get a CD called...
"The 10 Most Important Lessons I've Learned"
Here, I share the things I discovered as I was formulating my system for attracting wealth and give you my own, personal take on how to...
- Face your fears and conquer them.
- Find your voice and speak your truth.
- Learn from the past and then let it go.
- Appreciate the present moment.
I'll also share some of the missteps I made along the way. (This way you can avoid repeating them.) It's pretty personal stuff. But this program wouldn't be complete without it. (This CD can save you thousands of dollars on making the same mistakes I made.)
And last, but certainly not least, you'll also get one more bonus...
"From Homeless to Millionaire" - an exclusive interview
In this one-on-one interview with my VP of Marketing, Peter Wink, I tell all. It's a story of hope and accomplishment, more than worth hearing. It illustrates the transformational power of these principles. If it was possible for me to go from homeless to millionaire, then just imagine what's possible for you!
All in all, "The Secret to Attracting Money" is by far, the most comprehensive collection of wealth-attracting ideas, information and strategies I have ever presented, anywhere, in any format. (And it is tailor-made for today's economy.)
This program is for anyone who...
- Wants to attract money to buy a car, start a business, purchase a dream home, pay their child's tuition, get better healthcare or anything else.
- Has been laid off, fired, downsized or otherwise unemployed - or may be soon. (This is affecting millions right now. Even if you have a job you need this program before it is too late.)
- Wants to learn how to start a business online or offline.
- Has lost their savings thanks to Wall Street bigwigs.
- Needs to reprogram their mind from past poverty consciousness conditioning.
- Wants to take control of their financial future once and for all.
- Does not want to work for anyone ever again.
- Is committed to learning all my money, marketing and business strategies and following through on them.
This program is for you.
So, there you have it.
You get everything...
- 6 moneymaking audio CD sessions
- Secret to Attracting Money guidebook
- Secret to Attracting Money Live DVD
- And 2 bonus CD sessions ("The 10 Most Important Lessons I've Learned" & "From Homeless to Millionaire")
I priced "The Secret to Attracting Money" so inexpensively, anyone can take advantage of it.
In fact, if someone is not willing to invest in themselves, this program will probably not work for them anyway.
Oh...and last but not least...
The Secret to Attracting Money comes with a full 60-day, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee
---- so you have nothing to lose.
So, now you have to ask yourself some tough questions...
- Am I ready to take control of my financial future?
- Am I tired of putting my financial future in the hands of some who could really care less about me?
- Am I sick and tired of getting up way too early, dragging myself to work and working for a company that sees me as nothing but a social security number?
- Am I willing to have faith in myself and my abilities?
- Am I prepared to invest a few dollars in myself for a change - and live the life I've always wanted - by my rules?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to order "The Secret to Attracting Money" right now (not tomorrow) by going to...
If I've piqued your interest ----- if you want to start attracting money right away ----- if you absolutely positively want to learn the same techniques I used to attract money and become a multimillionaire, then you need to order The Secret to Attracting Money at...
And remember...
The Secret to Attracting Money is fully guaranteed for 60 days - so you have nothing to lose.
Expect Miracles.
PS. This is the ONLY time I've ever put all my spiritual and marketing techniques together in an audio/DVD program dedicated to attracting money.
(If you had all of my other books, DVDs, and home study courses - everything - you still would not even have a fraction of all the information in "The Secret to Attracting Money" course. "The Secret to Attracting Money" program is unique and truly one of a kind. You'll get everything...6 moneymaking audio CD sessions, The Secret to Attracting Money workbook, The Secret to Attracting Money Live DVD and two bonus CD sessions (The 10 Most Important Lessons I've Learned & From Homeless to Millionaire) for an incredibly low investment. PLUS, it all comes with a 60-day no-questions-asked, money back guarantee. Order today at...
The Secret to Attracting Money
Remember -- money likes speed. Act THIS minute.