"So how do I get rid of stress/fear/anxiety, all those things that keep me limited, all those
things that are lurking in the dark parts of my mind and stop me in life?"
The answer is, "You don't."
Getting "rid" of something would imply you took some conscious action first to "GET" that.
It also assumes that you "Have" it...
Most of the self-esteem/confidence building industry is all based on this tiny, tiny, subconcious assumption that... somewhere a long the road you made a conscious decision to become fearful. As if we purchased it on the road somewhere.
Have you noticed?
Any process at "removing" fear always has that slight little angle of self GUILT about it.
It's baloney.
The other assumtion is that when you were a little child you were fearless... and some big hairy monster implanted fear in you... and now you have it...
Big monster, aka: Mom, Dad, World, Life...
This perpetuates the feeling that we have no choice to explore this internal demon of fear and anxiety that keeps you from peace and happiness.
I don't know, but I can't find my receipt for a "life-time of fear" anywhere in my tax return files. And the memory of that monster, just doesn't seem that clear.
This is so obvious... which is exactly why it's overlooked. Either way... people keep buying books, spending thousand of dollars on seminars...and everyone is , happy...their lives are
changing... or are they?
Don't take me wrong... none of these things are "bad", I'm sure some of them are very helpful and are written by the rare beings that have stumbled onto truth just like this guy writing to you today.
When you stumble onto it, the first thing you want to do is share it with others... "How could anyone else not see this?" is the realization you have.
It's probably why they write their books. It's why I'm writing this to you in the best way I can.
But what about the 95% of useless books, seminars, tapes, and home study courses people waste their time and money with?
..nothing is really happening...and fear ain't going no-where. It's like spinning in circles deluding yourself into believing that you're going somewhere.
Let's see how deep this rabbit hole really gets...
Join me in a 2 part event, during which I and my dear friend J Sun are going to take you through a powerful process called "The Alchemy of Fear into Gold", during which your deepest
fears are plucked out by the roots, and seen for what they really are.
when you see it for what it truly is... it will begin to transform into the very thing that you've wanted all your life. How?
Just imagine you've been sitting on a goldmine your whole life... everyone who you've ever known has always told you: "Don't go there, it's fully of dark scary things! Here, I'll help you burn them!"
Then... one lucky day... someone comes along and instead, says...
"Hey buddy! There a gold-mine down there! Don't believe me? -- Here! I've got polaroids, I took photos, Look!"
...would would you do then?
These little emails I'm sending you are just polaroid photos from a totally different world I've discovered.
This isn't some "other" world. It's the same world you're in right now as you're reading this email. The same thing is available to you right now.
I don't want to sell you on some wacky idea, I just want to prove it to you that you can discover the same real thing for yourself. I really don't give a rats bum if you sign up or not, this isn't about me.
It's about you, and your freedom.
I want to give you the keys in the same way they've been handed to me. Join me in this event, don't miss out on it. M. Postawski
PS. I always usually paste links twice so that certain people have less incentive to procrastinate the decision for signing up for a transformational event. I usually write something catchy in the end, but couldn't think of it this time. Here it is again: