[MdedBiz Success Tips #6] Do You Love Yourself Too Much?

[MdedBiz Success Tips #6] Do You Love Yourself Too Much?

By: Henry Gold
(Part I)

I know you may say "Of Course" I love myself.

But "Do you know the truth?"

Most people say that they love themselves, but they
still eat junk food, which tortures their body.

They still listen to the negative people, who will
always stop them from achieving what they want in their

They still listen to their egos, which will block
the positive input that could help them travel to their
preferred destination.

....And much much more.

In the past, I admitted that whenever someone
criticized me, I would show them that I was smarter
than they. My ego would take over, where I argued until
the end to prove how wrong he or she was to say
anything bad about me.

The Result: None of the people who cared about my
existence would tell me the truth, instead they just
mentioned words that I would like to hear, as they were
scared that we would end up arguing.

Very soon, most of the sincere people left me alone,
as they felt it took too much energy to be around me.
Eventually, all the friends that surrounded me were the
people who would always "praise me " and say how good
I was.

This behavior was actually blocking all the
information that was supposed to make me achieve what I
wanted. Instead of receiving the correct input for my
business, I had to stand alone, as if I knew everything.

People whom I called "Close Friends" were looking
down on me. After my ego took over, my business
decreased from $4,000,000 to Minus $90,000 in less than
1 year.

I was in pain. I was suffering. It seemed as if the
world was moving by without my presence.

In fact, as soon as the word spread out to those
so-called "Close Friends", they all fled as they
couldn't see the advantage of getting close to me.

This was very sad, which has made me very strong today.
Think back and realize...

"Did I Really Love Myself?"


"Was My Ego Taking Control of My Life?"

You see, we all have self-pride. We always want to
hear people say great things about us. The truth is the
ego within ourselves is the first key to "Massive
Failure" in our life.

It is also the poison that destroys all the strong
friendships you have with honest and sincere people.
Instead, you "attract" those "hangers on" who are
just trying to get a piece of your gold.

We all want to be loved. We all want people to look
up to us and say great thing about us. This is the
"Natural Human Reaction".


We need to understand being loved and self-ego are
two very different things in life.

Being loved: People love you for what you've done
in their lives and what you've given them to make them
realize that they are able to do something in their

Self-ego: You are looking for other people's
respect because you want people to think that you are
good. To believe that you are strong. Most of the
time, in desperation for getting their respect use the
material power to shut people's mouths.

This is totally wrong.

Without sincerity, those "Sugar-Coated" friends that
surround you will stick with you as long as you can
provide them with a material comfort zone, such as: go
to movie together where you are the one to pay for the
tickets etc.

How long will it last?

It is all depending on your finances for sure.

Once it ends, they flee.

The result: You cry. You are depressed.

"Why would you want those friends in the beginning

Discard them. Find new ones. Find people that truly
care about you, as YOU, and not for what you have.

Listen to their advice even though it may be bitter,
as they are telling you the truth, not something that
you would like to hear. This is the friendship that will
last forever.

Coming Soon Part II...

"How To Choose The Right Friends"

Please share with friends. Thank you. - Henry :)

Points to Ponder

Develop Definiteness of Purpose

  • Success and progress towards achieving your goals in life begin with knowing where you are going.
  • Any dominating idea, plan, or purpose held in your conscious mind through repeated effort and emotionalized by a burning desire for its realization is taken over by the subconscious and acted upon through whatever natural and logical means may be available.
  • Your mental attitude gives power to everything you do. If your attitude is positive, your actions and thoughts further your ends? If your attitude is negative, you are constantly undermining your own efforts.
  • The starting point of all human achievement is the development of a Definite Major Purpose.
  • Without a definite major purpose, you are as helpless as a ship without a compass.

Establish a Mastermind Alliance

  • A mastermind alliance consists of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite objective.
  • Through a mastermind alliance you can appropriate and use the full strength of the experience, training, and knowledge of others just as if they were your own.
  • No individual has ever achieved success without the help and cooperation of others.
  • The value of "gathering together those of a like mind" is self-evident.
  • A group of brains coordinated in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery,

Assemble an Attractive Personality

  • A Positive Mental Attitude is the right mental attitude in any given situation.
  • Courtesy is your most profitable asset… and it is absolutely free!
  • Emotions are nothing but reflections of your mental attitude, which you can organize, guide, and completely control.
  • Your personality is your greatest asset or your greatest liability because it embraces everything you control ...your mind, body, and soul.
  • To be happy, make someone else happy!

Use Applied Faith

  • Faith is awareness of, belief in, and harmonizing with the universal powers.
  • Faith is a state of mind which must be active not passive, to be useful in achieving lasting success.
  • Close the door to fear behind you and you will quickly see the door of faith open before you.
  • Fear is nothing more than a state of mind, which is subject to your own direction and control.
  • Faith will not bring you what you desire, but it will show you the way to go after it for yourself.

Go the Extra Mile

  • Strength and struggle go hand in hand.
  • Render more and better service than you are paid for, and sooner or later you will receive compound interest from your investment.
  • The end of the rainbow is at the end of the second mile.
  • The quality of the service rendered, plus the quantity of service rendered, plus the mental attitude in which it is rendered, equals your compensation.
  • The more you give, the more you get.

Control Your Attention

  • Keep your mind ON the things you want and OFF the things you don't want!
  • It is much easier to focus your attention on something you believe will happen than on something you believe is unlikely.
  • Controlled attention is the act of coordinating all the faculties of your mind and directing their combined power to a specific end.
  • Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy your mind at the same time.
  • Independence starts with self-dependence.

Inspire Teamwork

  • There is no record of any great contribution to civilization without the cooperation of others.
  • Enthusiasm is contagious and teamwork is the inevitable result.
  • A good football team relies more on harmonious coordination of effort than individual skill.
  • Most people will respond more freely to a request than they will to an order.
  • Helping others solve their problems will help you solve your own.

Learn From Adversity and Defeat

  • Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.
  • Failure and pain are one language through which nature speaks to every living creature.
  • You are never a failure until you accept defeat as permanent and quit trying.
  • Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the electric light bulb. Don't worry if you fail once.
  • Every adversity, every failure, and every unpleasant experience carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit which may prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Cultivate Creative Vision

  • Creative imagination has its base in the subconscious and is the medium through which you recognize new ideas and newly learned facts.
  • Synthetic imagination springs from experience and reason; creative imagination springs from your commitment to your definite purpose.
  • Imagination recognizes limitations. Creative vision sees no limitations.
  • Your imaginative faculty will become weak through inaction. It can be revived through use.
  • The man who dipped a chunk of ice cream in chocolate and called it "Eskimo Pie" made a fortune for the five seconds of imagination it took to create the idea!

Maintain Sound Health

  • To maintain a Positive Mental Attitude and develop a healthy mind and body, you must conquer fear and anxiety.
  • Anything that affects your physical health also affects your mental health.
  • A Positive Mental Attitude is the most important quality for sound mental and physical health.
  • Exercise produces both physical and mental buoyancy. It clears sluggishness and dullness from body and mind.
  • If you haven't the willpower to keep your physical body in repair, you lack the power of will to maintain a positive mental attitude in other important circumstances that control your life.

Budget Your Time and Money

  • Tell me how you use your time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you'll be ten years from now.
  • Take regular inventory of yourself to learn how and where you are spending your time and money.
  • The secret of getting things done is: DO IT NOW!
  • Time is too precious to be wasted on arguments and discontent.
  • Some mistakes can be corrected, but not the mistake of wasting time. When time is gone, it's gone forever.

Use of Cosmic Habitforce

  • It takes a habit to replace a habit.
  • All of your successes and failures are results of habits you have formed.
  • The orderliness of the world of natural laws gives evidence that they are under control of a universal plan.
  • For every result there is a cause, and results are brought about through the use of cosmic habitforce.
  • First you get a habit, then it gets you.

Create Personal Initiative

  • It is better to act on a plan that is still weak than to delay acting at all.
  • Procrastination is the archenemy of personal initiative.
  • Personal Initiative:
    triangleis contagious
    trianglesucceeds where others fail
    trianglecreates work
    trianglecreates opportunity
    trianglecreates the future
    trianglecreates advancement
  • Procrastinators are experts in creating alibis.
  • Personal initiative is the inner power that starts all action.

Build a Positive Mental Attitude

  • A Positive Mental Attitude is the single most important principle of the science of success, without which you cannot get the maximum benefit from the other sixteen principles.
  • Success attracts success and failure attracts more failure.
  • Your mental attitude is the only thing over which you, and only you, have complete control.
  • A Positive Mental Attitude attracts opportunities for success, while a Negative Mental Attitude repels opportunities and doesn't even take advantage of them when they do come along.
  • A positive mind finds a way it can be done... a negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be done.

Control Your Enthusiasm

  • To be enthusiastic-act enthusiastically!
  • Enthusiasm is to progress toward success as gasoline is to a car's engine. It is the fuel that drives things forward.
  • Enthusiasm stimulates your subconscious mind. By feeding your conscious mind with enthusiasm, you impress upon your subconscious that your burning desire and your plan for attaining it are certain.
  • Enthusiasm is a state of mind. It inspires action and is the most contagious of all emotions.
  • Enthusiasm is more powerful than logic, reason, or rhetoric in getting your ideas across and in winning over others to your viewpoint.

Enforce Self-Discipline

  • Self-discipline is the process that ties together all your efforts of controlling your mind, your personal initiative, positive mental attitude and controlling your enthusiasm.
  • Self-discipline makes you think before you act.
  • The subconscious has access to all departments of the mind, but is not under the control of any.
  • If you don't discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others.
  • Without self-discipline, you are as dangerous as a car running downhill without brakes or steering wheel.

Think Accurately

  • Thoughts have power, are under your control, and can be used wisely or unwisely.
  • Accurate thinkers accept no political, religious, or other type of thought, regardless of its source, until it is carefully analyzed.
  • Accurate thinkers are the masters of their emotions.
  • Accurate thought involves two fundamentals. First you must separate facts from information. Second you must separate facts into two classes? The important and unimportant.
  • Accurate thinkers allow no one to do their thinking for them.

[MdedBiz Success Tips #6] After Hurricane Katrina - Seven Things You Can Do

[MdedBiz Success Tips #6] After Hurricane Katrina
- Seven Things You Can Do

*** Article: After Hurricane Katrina
- Seven Things You Can Do
– By Kevin Eikenberry ***

If you are like me, you are living some distance
from the devastation wrought by Katrina. If you
are like me you are not physically impacted and
can watch the plight of others on television in
the comfort of your home. And if you are like me,
you are wondering what you can do.

I believe the answer to that question is an
important one. It can help define who you are and
what you have and choose to give to the world. The
list that follows is not meant to stimulate your
thinking. It is meant to stimulate action. All of
us can do all of these things. And in doing them
we will not only be helping others, we will be
helping ourselves deal with and grow from these
events as well.

Give Resources. You have heard it and will hear
it often. The resources required by these events
will be unprecedented. Open your wallet and give.
It doesn’t matter which charity you choose, just
give. Pick a number, then add to it. Do a search
on Katrina relief to find places to contribute.
You can give more than monëy though. Perhaps you
have other resources that you could offer. Spare
blankets or other supplies will inevitably be
leaving from your community in the coming days.
Watch for these announcements and donate. If you
know someone affected, or know someone who knows
someone, perhaps you can provide a spare bedroom.
You can even support relief efforts each time you
search the internet. Go to http://allgive.com to
search and learn more.

Give Yourself. If your situation allows, perhaps
you feel drawn to go and help. If you are thinking
about that and you can, go. Many of us won’t be
able to go and lend a hand directly. You can still
give of time and talents locally and have a direct
impact on efforts there. Organizations like The
Salvation Army and The Red Cross will be spread
thin for months. If you volunteer in your town,
more physical resources can remain on the Gulf
Coast longer.

Encourage Others to Give. This is a way for you
to give of your talents.Use the leadership and
influence skills that you have to encourage others
to give. If you own a business, match employee
contributions to relief efforts. If you are
involved in any sort of organization, start a fund
raising effort. A colleague of mine sent an email
saying he would match any gifts given by those on
his list up to a total of $500. Every person
could do this. Ask yourself who you could influence
and how you could personally help increase giving.
Get creative! And get started.

Say a Prayer. Regardless of your religious beliefs,
or how you would state this, say a prayer. Say one
for those who have lost family. For those who have
lost their homes. For those who are sick or thirsty
or hungry. And say a special prayer for those
involved in rescue and recovery efforts - those
giving of themselves to make things better for others.

Keep Your Perspective. It is sometimes hard to keep
a healthy perspective as you watch the events on
television. It is easy to let the worry and concern
become overwhelming. Do yourself a favor and don’t
let these events overpower your life. Be grateful for
your situation. Rethink how upset or frustrated you
become at little inconveniences or challenges,
because these situations mean little in the bïgger
scheme of things, and the events of recent days
should make this very clear to us.

Conserve. Our country is going to be dealing with
the aftermath of Katrina for a long time. There are
other little things that we can do that will make a
difference. Conserve fuel. Carpool to work. Combine
your errands, or just stay home. Turn off your air
conditioning and turn off the lights. Fossil fuels
will be in short supply and every little bit helps.
Plus every dollar you don’t spend on fuel, is another
dollar you could choose to donate to relief efforts.

Give Again, Later. Many will give nöw, but agencies
like The Red Cross will tell you that after the
situation leaves most people’s conscious thoughts,
the needs will still be great. Make a commitment nöw
to make another contribution later in the year. One
way to do this is to reduce your holiday spending
and earmarking the difference for Katrina relief.

I’m sure there are many more things that you can do
to help both yourself and others in the coming weeks.
It matters less what you do than that you do s
omething. That is my urging to you. You can make a
difference, but only if you take action.

Special Note: One of the ways I am taking my own
advice to “Encourage Others to Give” is by offering
you (and anyone you know) a choice of a 6 month
membership to our Powerquotes Plus service, a $30 value,
or a seat in our tele-seminar, The Leader as a Coach,
a $49 value, if you simply let us know you made any
donation at all. Visit
http://www.kevineikenberry.com/katrina.asp to learn
more and contact us with your choice.

About the Author:
Kevin Eikenberry is a leadership expert and the Chief
Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group
( http://KevinEikenberry.com ), a learning
consulting company. To receive a frëe Special Report
on leadership that includes resources, ideas, and
advice go to
http://www.kevineikenberry.com/leadership.asp or
call us at (317) 387-1424 or 888.LEARNER.


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Thanks for reading.

Warmest regards,

Mahadzir Jaafar

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[MdedBiz Success Tips #5] Law And Order Of The Spiritual Kind

[MdedBiz Success Tips #5] Law And Order Of The
Spiritual Kind

Law And Order Of The Spiritual Kind
Copyright © 2004-2005 Geela
Author of "The American Dream"

There is no such thing as a coincidence. Albert Einstein
reasoned that, "God simply does not play dice." While we
may not fully understand the reasons behind certain events,
there are laws and order in the universe specifically
designed to facilitate harmony and prosperity for all
living things. Yet, as humans, we violate not only man's
laws, but also the laws of the universe. It's as if an
"insanity" bug has plagued the world community which has
now reached epidemic proportions.

Perhaps that's because knowingly, or unknowingly, we choose
not to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and as
a result of our actions we experience failure,
powerlessness and discord.

Take for example one law - the law of cause and effect.
Chaos seems to be the norm these days rather than the
exception, but that is not the cause for our collective
pain and misery. That's only the effect resulting from an
underlying cause that has to do with our own failure to
observe and cooperate with the laws of the universe
characterized by honoring all living things. Since
personal accountability is demanded of us in our daily
lives, why should we expect things to be any different on a
grander scale - such as in the universe?

When greed, lack of awareness (the ability to see the unity
in all living things) and the erosion of solid moral
values, so inherent in a society driven by a materialist
values system, cloud our thinking and numb our hearts to
the point where we can't tell the difference between right
and wrong, we invariably experience failure and lack - lack
of prosperity and security to lack of real joy, real love
and a sense of meaning and purpose. Perhaps we need law
and order to save us from ourselves.

Law and order are there for a reason.

In order to illustrate the value of having law and order on
a grander and spiritual scale, imagine for a moment if
there were no traffic lights - there would be nothing but
chaos and every one would stand to lose. Law and order are
necessary "tools," not so much to restrict us but rather to
enhance the quality of our lives by preventing us from
"bumping" into each other, causing accidental mayhem and
bringing destruction and chaos upon ourselves by default.

But of course, rather than taking a good look at ourselves
in the mirror, it's always much easier to point the finger
at someone or something else, like God. After all, no one
can really prove it or disprove it either.

Remember the classic story of the kid who failed to bring
his homework to school and blamed it on the "monster" who
ate it? Perhaps it's time to make peace with the fact
that there are laws and order in the universe that are
actually good for us all. So, if you don't like the effect
(the current climate of world insanity that erodes any
sense of security and joy), why not remove the root cause

It's easier than you think. Just by living in harmony with
the laws of the universe, we can all achieve security,
prosperity and freedom. And if it's peace and cultural
harmony you wish to experience, perhaps the words of Jimi
Hendrix that "only when the power of love replaces the love
of power, can there be peace on earth," will resonate with
you too and inspire you to be the change you wish to see in
the world.

Who knows maybe we can even all use the name of God without
embarrassment either...

Copyright © 2004-2005, Geela
Author of “The American Dream”

Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist,
and author of the best-selling book “THE AMERICAN DREAM,” her
true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant
with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve
mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children
and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of
her music and her book at http://www.Geela.com


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[MdedBiz Success Tips #4] When Perfect Isn't Good

[MdedBiz Success Tips #4] When Perfect Isn't

By Susan Dunn, M.A.

Being a perfectionist can do you in. Excellence is good
enough; don't saddle yourself with perfectionism.

If there's one thing that can really hamper a person,
it's perfectionism.

It's like a wolf in sheep's clothing, because it seems
to be heading in the right direction, but it's actually
way too much of a good thing. It's good to be interested
in excellence, but when you feel that your work (or
relationship) has to be perfect you're saddling yourself
with a burden nobody needs and one that can affect every
area of your life.

You won't be able to please yourself at wörk or at
because nothing and no one is perfect, or ever will be.

Hëre are some other ways perfectionism hampers you:

1. Perfectionism can lead to isolation. You won't want
to let people get too close to you lest they perceive
your short-comings.

This leaves you without alliances, and out of the loop
at work, and alone at home.

2. Perfectionism also makes you a poor risk-taker and
taking risks is often required in business.

Perfectionists become dysfunctional when something comes
up that they've nevër seen before, or if they're
asked to try something different that seems risky to
them. It can also keep you from meeting deadlines.

3. When you're a perfectionist, your timidity and
concern won't always be perceived as that; more often
it's perceived as arrogance. It appears to others that
you think you're better than them, because you have an
exalted standard of perförmance for yourself.

4. When your goal is perfection, it becomes difficult to
make decisions and to meet deadlines. You're always
trying to out-think yourself.

5. Perfectionists are often micro-managers. They're
afraid to let anyone else do anything, because of the
unrealistic standard of perfection.

As you can see, there are many ways perfectionism holds
you back, and very little good it does. Excellence is
good; perfectionism is not, so don't let yourself fall
in that trap. If you have tendencies in that direction,
change your self-talk and be easier on yourself. You'll
do better, and everyone else will appreciate it.

About the Author:
Susan Dunn, M.A., is a personal life coach who helps her
clients succeed by developing their emotional
intelligence, understanding their strengths better, and
doing the inner work. You can visit her on the web at:


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[MdedBiz Success Tips #3] Why Goal Setting Is Important For You.

[MdedBiz Success Tips #3] Why Goal Setting Is Important For You.

Why Goal Setting Is Important For You.

Copyright by Patric Chan, Author Of
How To Make More Mone.y Easily at

Goal setting is such a normal task to do,
but so many people have neglected the
importance of this task.

If you do not have a specific goal, you will
not know when you have achieved your
financially desired result.

Assuming you make $100,000.00 a year
and you do not have a goal on how much
you want to increase it. So, maybe you make
$150,000.00 next year. But, because you
did not set a goal on how much you want
to increase it, you’ll be unhappy because
you WANT to earn more. If you have set
your goal to have a 30% increase by
next year, you’ll be happy because you are
making more than your expectation.

You will never be happy no matter how
much you have earned because it will never
be enough without a financial goal in mind.

Goal setting also helps self-confidence.
By setting goals, and measuring their
achievement, you are able to see what you
have done and what you are capable of.

The process of achieving goals and seeing
their achievement gives you the confidence and
a belief in yourself that you need to be able to
achieve higher and more difficult goals.

Providing that you have the self-discipline to
carry it through, goal setting is also relatively
easy. The following section on goal setting will
give you effective guidelines to help you to
use this technique effectively.

How to choose the right goals to focus on?

Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only
problem that you must face. Sometimes,
choosing the right goals to begin with is harder.

Basically, you can choose to work any goal that
you feel is necessary for your health, stability
and happiness.

Goal setting is nothing more than a formal
process for personal planning. By setting goals
on a routine basis you decide what you want to
achieve, and then move in a step-by-step
manner towards the achievement of these goals.

The process of setting goals and targets allows
you to choose where you want to go in life. By
knowing exactly what you want to achieve,
you know what you have to concentrate on to
do it. You also know what nothing more than
a distraction is.

Goal setting is a standard technique used by
professional athletes, successful business
people and high achievers in all fields. It gives
you long term vision and provides you with
short term motivation.

It helps to focus your attention and knowledge
which helps you to organize your resources.
By setting sharp and clearly defined goals,
you can measure and take pride in the
achievement of those goals. You can see
forward progress in what might previously
have seemed a long pointless effort.

By setting goals, you will also raise your
self confidence, as you recognize your and
ability to meet the goals that you have set. The
process of achieving goals and seeing this
achievement gives you confidence that you
will be able to achieve higher and more
difficult goals later on.

Goals are set on a number of different levels.
In the first place, you decide what you want to
do with your life and what large scale goals
you want to achieve.

Second, you break these down into the smaller
aims that you must hit so that you reach your
overall lifetime goals.

Finally, once you have your plan, you start
working towards achieving it.


This article is extracted from the ebook, How
To Make More Money Easily by Patric Chan at

[MdedBiz Success Tips #2] Goal Setting

[MdedBiz Success Tips] Goals Setting

Forget New Year's Resolutions - They Don't Work

Goal setting expert explains real success lies in life
plans, not in making resolutions.

"You can forget about making New Year's Resolutions if
you're hoping for a successful outcome. Most aren't worth
the paper they're written on," says Vic Johnson, a leading
goal setting and motivation expert.

Most New Year's Resolutions have gone by the wayside
before January is over and most won't even be remembered
six months later.

And the reason is pretty simple. Most are made in response
to something negative; a habit or situation that the person
wants to change or end. And therein lies the problem - it's
hard to develop momentum from a negative response. It is
always easier to move toward something than away from

Consider one of the most adopted goals --- weight loss.
No one can get excited about losing weight - it requires
deprivation. It's a negative response to concerns about
appearance, health, etc. The results of weight loss New
Year's Resolutions demonstrate their weakness.

A 1998 survey sponsored by Gardenburger found that more
than three-fourths of all women between the ages of 25 and
54 make diet and weight-loss plans each year. Nearly nine
of 10 respondents reported only occasional or no success,
while almost half lost little or actually gained weight

"The people who succeed at losing weight and maintaining
the loss have usually been motivated by a dream much bigger
and more positive than just losing weight," explains
Johnson. "They see themselves living a healthy lifestyle.
They begin to act and think like people who are in good
physical shape.

There's more of a radical change in a person's thinking
and actions than you see with most resolutions. It wouldn't
be possible to effect and sustain such a radical change
unless the person is motivated by a big dream that is positive
in nature."

Another popular aim is to quit smoking. Johnson himself
was a three-pack-a-day smoker until he celebrated a smoke-free
New Year's eleven years ago. "For over twenty years I had
tried to quit many times using every tool and technique I'd
hear about. But as long as I was trying to quit, I couldn't
break the grip.

Instead, I developed a dream to become a non-smoker. I fell
in love with the idea of breathing clean air instead of smoky air,
of my body and clothes smelling nice instead of smoky. I
thought about how wonderful it would be to taste food again. I
decided to start acting and thinking like a non-smoker, and when
the thinking took hold I simply quit smoking. In all the years
since, I've never wanted another cigarette, never even thought
about wanting one."

According to Johnson, the best goal to set is one that
calls for the individual to create a plan for their life
based on a set of personal dreams. "Most people are in a
free-fall through life, careening from one crisis to the

If you were going to build a new house and you had
this idea for a fabulous master bedroom suite, you wouldn't
rush out and start building the master bedroom. You'd have
a complete plan before you started.

When you approach resolutions and goals in the same manner,
you end up with a much better chance of achieving success."

Adapted from Vic Johnson's

MdedBiz Success Tips
email me: mded@time.net.my

See the past posting on this blog:

[MdedBiz Success Tips #1] Dream Big Goals

[MdedBiz Success Tips #1] Dream Big Goals

Excerpt from The Modern Day (Real Life) Indiana Jones
by Vic Johnson

There was a story about a 15 year old boy by the name
of John Goddard.

John, one day, happened to hear his parents and another
adult talking, and the other adult had been telling John's
parents about how miserable his life was and how much he
had failed. He wished he was John's age again and could
live his life over and do some things differently.

Well, John heard the anguish in his voice, I suppose, and
he made a vow that he was going to do something at 15 years old.
So at 15 years old he took out a legal pad and began to write
the things he wanted to do in his life, what he wanted to

Before he was finished he had 127 things on his list. He
called it, "My Life List".

Today John is in his mid 70's. Of his original 127 goals,
John over the last 55-60 years has accomplished 111 of them,
plus 400 other ones that he set along the way.

And just so you know these weren't some small goals, here
are some of the goals that John Goddard has accomplished that
were on his list:

- He's climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, he's climbed Mount Ararat,
in fact, he's climbed every major peak in the world.

Now just that, how many people just doing that, would be one
great life experience? But that's just one of 500+ for John

- He took Marco Polo's route through all of Asia and China.

- He ran a mile in five minutes, he broad jumped 15 feet, high
jumped five feet, and so on...

- He was the first person to explore the entire 420 mile length
of the Nile River (that was his number one goal!). When he was
in 15 years old, no person had ever done it, but that fifteen
year old boy didn't know that, it didn't matter to him. He put
it on his list and when he did it, USA Today named him the
modern day Indiana Jones. He's been down not just the Nile
River. He's been down the Amazon, down the Congo, etc.

- He's been to 122 countries and lived with 260 different tribes.

- He's explored the Reefs of Florida, the Great Barrier Reefs
and so on...

- He's flown 40 different types of aircrafts. Still holds
civilian air speed records. Just that alone would be a great
life experience, that was just one of John Goddard's goals.

- He's read the Bible cover to cover.

- He's taught himself French, Spanish, Arabic (who reading this
could not learn a foreign language in the next couple of

And that is just a portion of over 500 dreams that John Goddard
has accomplished.

I hope we all learn from John Goddard! Here are two major
points that were impressed upon me:

1) John Goddard's goals (dreams) were written down.

How many of you have heard that before, to write your goals
and dreams down? Because for 20 years I heard it and I had
never written mine down, until just three years ago.

Brian Tracy says if you'll write your goals down you have
a 100 times greater chance of success, just by writing them

Now I look at that mathematically and then by an inverse
way, from an opposite way.

What it says to me that if I don't write my goals down, I
only have a 1 in 100 chance of succeeding. Write your goals
and dreams down.

2) His dreams were BIG!

I've found that a small dream will not give you the bullet
proofing you are going to need. A small dream won't protect
you when bad times come. A small dream does not have any power
at all - it has to be BIG!

So get started today! How?

Go get a journal (or wipe the dust off the one you have) and
write down your BIG goals!

And then get started on your life story!

Excerpt from The Modern Day (Real Life) Indiana Jones
by Vic Johnson

Vic Johnson can be contacted at:

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